Wheel Of Time Premium Boxed Set Books 1-3 (MM)


Sleeping Beauties

Then She Was Gone

Disponibilidad: Inmediata

Ellie Mack, de quince años, era la hija perfecta. Fue amada por sus padres, amigos y maestros. Ella y su novio formaron una pareja dorada adolescente. Estaba a días de unas vacaciones de verano idílicas, con toda su vida por delante. Y luego se fue.Ahora su madre, Laurel Mack, está tratando de reconstruir su vida. Han pasado 10 años desde que su hija desapareció, siete años desde que terminó su matrimonio, y solo unos meses desde que se descubrió la última pista en el caso de Ellie. Entonces, cuando conoce a un hombre inesperadamente encantador en un café, se sorprende de lo rápido que su coqueteo se convierte en algo más profundo. Antes de darse cuenta, se encuentra con las hijas de Floyd, y su hija más joven, Poppy, la deja sin aliento. Mirarla es como mirar a Ellie. Y ahora las preguntas sin respuesta que ella ha intentado poner en reposo la persiguen nuevamente ... así como algunas nuevas sobre Floyd y Poppy ...

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER“A riveting thriller.” —PopSugar“Sharply written with twists and turns.” —Library Journal“An acutely observed family drama with bone-chilling suspense.” —PeopleEllie Mack was the perfect daughter. She was fifteen, the youngest of three. Beloved by her parents, friends, and teachers, and half of a teenaged golden couple. Ellie was days away from an idyllic post-exams summer vacation, with her whole life ahead of her.And then she was gone.Now, her mother Laurel Mack is trying to put her life back together. It’s been ten years since her daughter disappeared, seven years since her marriage ended, and only months since the last clue in Ellie’s case was unearthed. So when she meets an unexpectedly charming man in a café, no one is more surprised than Laurel at how quickly their flirtation develops into something deeper. Before she knows it, she’s meeting Floyd’s daughters—and his youngest, Poppy, takes Laurel’s breath away.Because looking at Poppy is like looking at Ellie. And now, the unanswered questions she’s tried so hard to put to rest begin to haunt Laurel anew. Where did Ellie go? Did she really run away from home, as the police have long suspected, or was there a more sinister reason for her disappearance? Who is Floyd, really? And why does his daughter remind Laurel so viscerally of her own missing girl?

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