Un libro inspirador y poderoso, destinado a convertirse en un clásico imprescindible."Está muy bien que te preguntes qué esperas de la vida, pero hay una pregunta mucho más importante: ¿qué espera la vida de ti?” Ekhart Tolle -Isabel Allende, Eckhart Tolle, Paulo Coelho o Joe Dispenza son algunos de los co-creadores de esta obra. -Un libro inspirador y poderoso, destinado a convertirse en un clásico imprescindible. -El autor ha producido un documental que se estrenará en breve y que ya ha sido comparado con El Secreto y ¿Y tú qué sabes? Escritores, científicos y líderes espirituales de nuestro tiempo –incluidos Isabel Allende, Paulo Coelho, Maya Angelou, Ekhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra o Joe Dispenza- unen por primera vez sus voces para desvelarnos el misterio del corazón, donde residen energías y capacidades superiores incluso a las de la mente. En plena crisis personal y profesional, Baptist de Pape viajó por todo el mundo para entrevistar a grandes pensadores acerca del potencial del corazón para transformar nuestras vidas.
With its unprecedented convocation of eighteen of the world's greatest spiritual thinkers, writers, and scientists, including Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho, and Eckhart Tolle, this beautifully designed full-color spiritual guide--which ties into a film of the same name--reveals how you can overcome limitations and fulfill your highest potential. Baptist de Pape, a young lawyer, was mired in anxiety and fears about his future when he felt the call to investigate the incredible power of the heart and how it can lead us to our true purpose in life. On a quest that took him around the world, de Pape interviewed eighteen living icons--all on camera--including Isabel Allende, Jane Goodall, Marci Shimoff, Marianne Williamson, and Gary Zukav. Generously sharing their touching personal stories as well as profound guidance, these leaders co-created with de Pape a multidimensional, illuminating portrait of the heart as an inexhaustible source of love and wisdom that far surpasses that of the mind. With exciting spiritual and scientific insights, The Power of the Heart presents fascinating evidence that the heart is more than a physical organ. It possesses its own intelligence, capable of transforming your views of money, health, relationships, and success.