Primera novela de la serie Los Hijos de la Tierra de Jean M. Auel sobre la vida de nuestros antepasados en la última fase de la Era Glacial cuando los Neanderthales y los Cro-Magnones compartian la Tierra. La heroína es Ayla una valiente e indomable joven mujer cuya historia empieza cuando queda huerfana a los cinco años y es adoptada por el Clan un grupo de Neanderthales. Al principio Ayla inspira sorpresa, luego cautela, y por fin aceptación por parte del Clan. Iza la curandera y Creb el Hombre Santo cuidan de ella. El comportamiento y las actitudes de los miembros del Clan no le es ajeno. Se interesa por las cacerías y los preparativos de las armas, algo que esta prohibido a las mujeres y que ella no obstante domina con notable maestria. El Clan del Oso Cavernario es el primer libro de la serie de enorme éxito que continúa en **El Valle de los Caballos**, **Los Cazadores de Mamuts**, **Las Llanuras del Tránsito** y en el esperado y fabuloso quinto titulo **Los Refugios de Piedra**.
This novel of awesome beauty and power is a moving saga about people, relationships, and the boundaries of love.Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American ReadThrough Jean M. Auel’s magnificent storytelling we are taken back to the dawn of modern humans, and with a girl named Ayla we are swept up in the harsh and beautiful Ice Age world they shared with the ones who called themselves the Clan of the Cave Bear.A natural disaster leaves the young girl wandering alone in an unfamiliar and dangerous land until she is found by a woman of the Clan, people very different from her own kind. To them, blond, blue-eyed Ayla looks peculiar and ugly—she is one of the Others, those who have moved into their ancient homeland; but Iza cannot leave the girl to die and takes her with them. Iza and Creb, the old Mog-ur, grow to love her, and as Ayla learns the ways of the Clan and Iza’s way of healing, most come to accept her. But the brutal and proud youth who is destined to become their next leader sees her differences as a threat to his authority. He develops a deep and abiding hatred for the strange girl of the Others who lives in their midst, and is determined to get his revenge.