Rent A Girlfriend Vol 28

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Anunciamos la publicación de «Kanojo, Okarishimasu» (Kanori para los amigos), la comedia romántica más popular en mucho mucho tiempo!! Kazuya Kinoshita es un veinteañero universitario que es feliz con su novia, a la que incluso ha llegado a besar! ( Kyaaah, hentaiiii!) Pero cuando su chica lo deja de la noche a la mañana, le entra un gran bajón y encuentra su único consuelo en una app que te permite alquilar una novia. Y así llega a su vida Chizuru Mizuhara, una morena increíblemente preciosa, tanto que parece demasiado buena para ser real. Aunque las sospechas de que: aquí hay gato encerrado llevan al chico a no querer seguir con el jueguecito, su abuela acaba ingresada justo a tiempo para salvar la trama. Así es como Kazuya empieza a ir a ver a su abuela con Chizuru y ella queda tan encantada con la preciosa novia de su nieto que se ve obligado a continuar con el trato. Muy pronto ambos descubrirán que sus caminos están mucho más interconectados de lo que pensaban y para que no sean felices ni coman perdices, la más disparatada variedad de personajes secundarios entrarán en escena para liar más la cosa.


We announce the release of "Kanojo, Okarishimasu" (Kanori to friends), the most popular romantic comedy in a long long time!! Kazuya Kinoshita is a twenty-something university student who is happy with his girlfriend, whom he has even kissed! (Kyaaah, hentaiiii!) But when his girlfriend leaves him overnight, he falls into a deep depression and finds his only solace in an app that lets you rent a girlfriend. And so comes into his life Chizuru Mizuhara, an incredibly beautiful brunette, so much so that she seems too good to be real. Although suspicions that there is something fishy here lead the boy to not want to continue with the game, his grandmother ends up hospitalized just in time to save the plot. This is how Kazuya begins to go see his grandmother with Chizuru and she is so enchanted with her grandson's beautiful girlfriend that he is forced to continue with the deal. Very soon, both will discover that their paths are much more interconnected than they thought, and to ensure that they are not happy and live happily ever after, the most disparate variety of secondary characters will enter the scene to complicate things even more.

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Rent A Girlfriend Vol 28
