Para los fanáticos de Clifford y Spot, ¡denle la bienvenida al pequeño cachorro amarillo favorito de todos, Biscuit, en una aventura de I Can Read!
¡Guau guau! ¡Vamos, Biscuit!
Únete a Biscuit en la granja. Biscuit ayudará hoy en la granja y no puede esperar para alimentar a todos los animales de la granja. ¡Se hace amigo de las gallinas, los gansos e incluso de un pequeño y ansioso cerdito que quiere seguirlo a todas partes!Biscuit's Day at the Farm, un libro de My First I Can Read, está cuidadosamente elaborado utilizando lenguaje básico, repetición de palabras, palabras a la vista e ilustraciones dulces, lo que significa que es perfecto para la lectura compartida con lectores emergentes.
For fans of Clifford and Spot, welcome everybody's favorite little yellow puppy, Biscuit, in an I Can Read adventure!
Woof, woof! Come along, Biscuit!
Join Biscuit at the farm. Biscuit is going to help out on the farm today and can't wait to feed all of the farm animals. He makes friends with the hens, the geese, and even an eager little piglet who wants to follow him everywhere!Biscuit's Day at the Farm, a My First I Can Read book, is carefully crafted using basic language, word repetition, sight words, and sweet illustrations--which means it's perfect for shared reading with emergent readers.